Air-Stripping Technology.
Osprey Corporation together with Fluid Technologies Ltd have installed a number of successful TurboStripper systems for a variety of clients and applications around the world. Having been developed and tested extensively in the United States and Europe. The TurboStripper technology is most commonly used for the removal of VOCs from groundwater and wastewater but can also be designed to target specific chemical components to suit a particular application.
Showing a number of advantages due to the inherent non-clogging operation, TurboStripper has applications on sites with high levels of silt or iron content in the water. Being extremely flexible, with standard and custom designs available, TurboStripper delivers consistent striping efficiencies up to 99.99%.

Osprey TurboStripper System:
Osprey TurboStripper
Osprey TurboStripper
Osprey TurboStripper
High Removal Rates
Osprey TurboStripper
Low Profile
Low-profile Turbostripper units available.
Osprey TurboStripper
Low Power